Using chemistry to make better materials. We like to move it.

Founded in 2017, the BioMatt group is an interdisciplinary research team bound by the drive to build better materials atom by atom. We design these materials for a variety of applications, all with the aim to help advance Regenerative Medicine and Biofabrication.

Our group is inspired by the precision and dynamics of natural materials coupled with the power of bioengineering. We try to mimic Nature in unique and interesting ways. Using molecular polymer design, dynamic systems, and supramolecular chemistry we approach both fundamental studies into the nuances of cell-material interactions and applications in 3D printing of living tissue.

We are not all alike. We are from different backgrounds, nations, and disciplines. Our diversity drives our innovation.

BioMatt lives in the Department of Complex Tissue Regeneration in the MERLN Institute at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. A lot of parts. This unique environment gives us a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and international environment to explore our ideas and do the science thing we love.

For more information on the group, and current members, please see the MERLN BioMatt page. For more information on our science, please see the Research Lines page.

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